Tag Archives: Sandra Bullock

Bienvenidos Spring

By early spring it’s nearly impossible to tell what time it is. During this time of the year I am practically perfunctory in my inability to do anything until it gets dark, which was fine when it was winter. Winter breeds discipline.

In the spring, I sleep more and do less because there are fewer hours to do. In summer, I am so occupied with doing nothing that I am absolutely blindsided[1] when one fateful morning I wake up and realize it is autumn.

In autumn, I repent. I swear to change and by the time the days have whittled down to just a few hours, I have changed. I am a new man. For three months, I live, breath, and occasionally sleep, discipline. Then the days start getting longer and I start becoming conscious of the fact that I have nine very serious months of fucking around ahead.

– Shago Martin as described to The Neapolitan Mastiff during a tequila bender.

[1] Much in the same way Sandra Bullock was blindsided by her philandering husband’s affairs.

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